Harvest Hills Golf Course Update January 2016

At the end of last year, many of you attended open house sessions by either QuantumPlace, or by the City of Calgary, about the proposed plans to develop Harvest Hills Golf Course. Thank you to all who came out and voiced their hopes and fears in response to this development application. YOUR VOICE COUNTS, as was shown in the results of the consultations by the City (online engagement results,  open houses and second survey results).

In addition to attending all of these sessions, volunteers on the NHCA Advocacy and Planning committees worked long hours over several weeks to put together an official response to the Harvest Hills Golf Course development application by QuantumPlace Developments Ltd. on behalf of Cedarglen Homes. This response, which was submitted to the City of Calgary, is available to read, below. Thank you to the many residents who also submitted letters in response to this application.

Click to open the NHCA's official, submitted response (30 page PDF)
Click the document image to open the NHCA’s official, submitted response (30 page PDF)

We were encouraged that the City’s response to the developer’s application (called the Detailed Team Review) included many of the same issues we had with the proposed development, but we feel there is still a long way to go, and we await the developer’s responses to the City’s requests, and our opportunity to explain why the Northern Hills cannot support this development.

In the meantime, please keep an eye on your Northern Edge News for updates from the City and your community association. The resident-led group which developed from this application, Calgarians For Responsible Development, are holding a free, town hall meeting open to all residents of the Northern Hills. More information can be found on their Eventbrite page.

For more information, please visit the City’s Harvest Hills Golf Course project page or the NHCA’s Harvest Hills Golf Course Development page.

The deer on Harvest Hills Golf Course Photo courtesy of Joe Laratta
The deer on Harvest Hills Golf Course
Photo courtesy of Joe Laratta

Post Author: Yana